
AlongsidewithEMUI10,HuaweipresenteditsbrandnewdesignedDesktopMode.ThistransformsyourtabletintoaWindowslookingPCandwillenhancethe ...,DesktopModeisonlyavailableoncertainHuaweiphonesthatcomewithKirinchip980orlaterandhavebeenupdatedtoHarmonyOS2orlater.Refertothe ...,TheDesktopmodeallowsyoutoturnyourdeviceintoanactualPC,soyoucanopenapps,managefilesorchangethedesktopwallpaper.Someappsarealready ......

[MatePad Pro] What Is Desktop Mode And How Can We ...

Alongside with EMUI 10, Huawei presented its brand new designed Desktop Mode. This transforms your tablet into a Windows looking PC and will enhance the ...

There is no Desktop Mode option for the phone

Desktop Mode is only available on certain Huawei phones that come with Kirin chip 980 or later and have been updated to HarmonyOS 2 or later. Refer to the ...

Have you tried the new Desktop mode

The Desktop mode allows you to turn your device into an actual PC, so you can open apps, manage files or change the desktop wallpaper. Some apps are already ...

Use Desktop Mode to Make Work More Convenient

In Desktop mode, your phone and the large-screen device work independently and can show different content. The content of a phone projected on the large-screen ...

Use Desktop Mode

In Desktop mode, your phone and the large display work independently and can show different content. The content projected on the large display is in a layout ...

华为手机支持显示器Desktop Mode(生产力桌面)特性列表

部分手机通过有线投屏或无线投屏的方式,与显示器连接,即可体验Desktop Mode 特性。开启该特性后,手机配合连接在显示器上的鼠标、键盘,可以像台式机一样,在显示器 ...

显示器如何使用Desktop Mode 特性

手机屏幕画面显示在显示器即可进入Desktop Mode。 设备首次连接显示器时,可能需要输入配对码,根据界面提示操作即可。

Desktop Mode一碰投屏

如何进入: ... 在手机通知面板中,打开NFC、WLAN 和蓝牙功能。 • 显示器开机状态下,且手机处于亮屏解锁状态,手机NFC 感应区域轻触显示器底座中间的区域,并保持至手机提示 ...